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This comprehensive package includes 5 individual services:
1. New Business Development Consulting
2. Day 1-to-Day 100 Strategic Roadmap
3. Website Buildout

Service Descriptions:

New Business Development Consulting:

Our new business development consulting service is designed to help you develop a new business from ideation to execution. We start off by discovering your areas of business interest. From there, we will define your ideal business model via are Passion Pathways assessment. Finally, we will identify various ways to differentiate your brand from other similar companies within your chosen industry.

Website Buildout:

Your website is the cornerstone of your brand. It’s where you communicate who you are and transact with your clients and customers. and social media followers. It’s the platform you own where you should be funneling your social media followers.

  1. Informative Site: Perfect for service-based businesses requiring an informative platform to showcase their offerings, this site supports detailed service descriptions and portfolios without payment or booking functionalities. This option includes social media integration where available.
  2. Campaign Site: Tailored for non-profits, events, or campaigns needing comprehensive content and functionality such as payment processing, donations, appointment bookings, or event management to drive engagement and support. This option includes social media integration where available.
  3. Ecom OR Course Site: Ideal for sellers of physical or digital products, or those looking to offer educational courses. Blog, Informational, and Campaign functionality is also included. This option includes social media integration where available. For ecommerce sites, this type includes product descriptions for up to 30 products. You must provide your own product images and/or videos. For course sites, this site-type provides robust back-end management features for seamless instructor and student registration and interaction. If ecommerce AND course management functionality are both needed, please select the All-In-One site-type.
  4. All-In-One Site: A comprehensive solution for businesses aiming to sell products and host courses, combining the functionalities needed for e-commerce and course sites. Blog, Informational, and Campaign functionality is also included. This option includes social media integration where available. For ecommerce sites, this type includes product descriptions for up to 30 products. You must provide your own product images and/or videos. For course sites, this site-type provides robust back-end management features for seamless instructor and student registration and interaction.

How to Get Started:

To get started, purchase this product. Once the payment is validated, you will receive an email containing instructions to book your first  consultation.

During that first session, we will book your remaining follow up sessions as well.

Payment Plans:

If you need a payment plan, please reach out via email at [email protected] and we can discuss payment options. Please note that payment plans require an additional $300 management fee.

Website Type

Blog Site, Information Site, Campaign Site, Ecom OR Course Site, All-In-One Site


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